Let’s Talk

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poem – penned on January 24, 2022 – is slightly different than my usual style. Although it’s written with my preferred pacing of “roughly” 10 syllables per line, it’s noticeably void of any rhymes. This is so because I wrote it straight from the heart to send a clear message to theContinue reading “Let’s Talk”

Hide and Seek

Some hide love behind walls of silence.Others hide hate behind fake smiles.Some hide trauma behind quiet tears.Others hide pain behind their pride. Some seek peace in the midst of war.Others seek conflict, but feign serenity.Some seek fortune no matter the cost.Others seek wisdom, honor, and unity. Some forget all the actions they caused.Others forget theContinue reading “Hide and Seek”

Edge of a Fading Dream

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poetic short story is based on a dream I had in mid-to-late 2018 after losing my unborn child. It was originally intended to serve as Act 1 of an Epic, but due to ongoing health concerns I’ve decided to publish it as a standalone poem. This… is my story. Edge of a Fading DreamContinue reading “Edge of a Fading Dream”

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