Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America

In connection with the aims, objects, rules and regulation of the Moorish Science Temple of America, I deem it proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization. Covering its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causingContinue reading “Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America”

Moorish Costumes Ball

So enthusiastic was the reception of the costumes worn by the Moorish Americans during their parade that the members of the Moorish Science Temple have decided to have at different times what they will call a Moroccan Costume ball. This affair will be had shortly after the holidays, about New Year’s Eve. The Prophet consentedContinue reading “Moorish Costumes Ball”

The Industrious Acts of the Moslems

By Prophet Noble Drew Ali The Industrious Acts of the Moslems of Northwest and Southwest Africa These are the Moabites, Hamathites, Canaanites, who were driven out of the land of Canaan by Joshua, and received permission of the Pharaohs of Egypt to settles in hat portion of Egypt. In later years they formed themselves kingdoms.Continue reading “The Industrious Acts of the Moslems”

Prophet Sends Marriage Laws To All Temples

All marriage ceremonies of members of the Moorish Science Temple of America must be performed by an ordained minister and the head of the temple. And any man desiring to take unto himself a wife and receive our Moorish rites, he must go to the city Hall and receive this license to be registered inContinue reading “Prophet Sends Marriage Laws To All Temples”

General Laws As Said By The Prophet

Tuesday, October 17, 1928 Every Temple and head is to function by words, deeds, and actions, imitating the Prophet, especially when teaching a group of Moors, any group of Moors. These are the General Laws: the Supreme Laws will be handed [to] you later. The heads of all Temples are to submit a report monthlyContinue reading “General Laws As Said By The Prophet”

Oral Statements and Prophecies by Noble Drew Ali

[Disclaimer: Some of the statements herein may have originated from people who alleged to be the Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Please exercise caution when disseminating the information, especially the quotes that lack a name of the person citing the Prophet.] Commentary and interpretations by Sheik Way-El The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali told the Moors,Continue reading “Oral Statements and Prophecies by Noble Drew Ali”

Think This Over, You Moors

All Sheiks, Grand Sheiks must prepare for the Prophet before he comes to visit them. Must see to it that all is clean and in perfection as far as comfort is possible, or otherwise don’t arrange to have his presence. All members should pay from 25 cents to 50 cents weekly towards the Emergency Fund.Continue reading “Think This Over, You Moors”

The Prophet Has Spoken

All Governors and Grand Sheiks and head officials that guide any body of Moors of any Temple of the Moorish Science Temple of America: He or she must be of good moral standard and a heart of love and their works must be of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. They are to initiate [imitate?]Continue reading “The Prophet Has Spoken”

Prophet Announces His Authority And Power

Forced to make changes. All Governors and other officers of the Moorish Science Temple are hereby congratulated for their past loyalty and fidelity, for I know it will be the same in the future. Because of certain incidents that have risen in some of the Temples which seem to come from the fact that thereContinue reading “Prophet Announces His Authority And Power”

Voice of the Prophet

If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish Science Temple of America and become a part of this Divine Movement, then you will have power to redeem your race because you know who you are, and who your forefathers were. Because where there is unity there is strength. “Together we stand,Continue reading “Voice of the Prophet”

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