The Moorish Rudder and Sextant

The Moorish Rudder and Sextant outlines the structure of Moorish government in accordance with Moorish Science. It’s highly recommended that all Moors / Moslems are aware of the contents of this concise book. I’ve taken the liberty to create an audiobook to allow for easier consumption of the knowledge it contains. Enjoy! Introduction The rudderContinue reading “The Moorish Rudder and Sextant”

Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America

In connection with the aims, objects, rules and regulation of the Moorish Science Temple of America, I deem it proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization. Covering its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causingContinue reading “Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America”

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