
Greetings curious reader. Your attention here indicates your desire to contact me directly. Regardless of your intention, the mere act of viewing this page is a great first step toward open communication between you and I. If your motives are positive and sincere, I look forward to building a rapport with you. That being said, there are a few rules that you must abide by when attempting to communicate with me. They are as follows:

  1. Do not sell, trade, or otherwise convey my contact information to anyone.
    1. Instead, refer curious minds to this web page using the URL in the address bar.
  2. Do not store my contact information in a database without my express written consent.
  3. Do not publish my contact information in any medium. (e.g. email, video, article, etc.)
  4. Do not contact me via social media outside of the time range of 9AM to 5PM EST.
  5. Do not attempt to solicit, spam, phish, nor hack using any of my points of contact.
  6. All communications must address me by my full appellation. See the About page.
  7. My mailing location, if any, must be written on envelopes exactly as stated herein.
  8. Any violations of these rules may subject you to adverse actions.

If you consent to these stipulations, feel free to contact me at an appropriate time. If you do not consent, do not waste your time contacting me. All communications received stand as prima facie evidence that the sender has read and willfully consented to the legally binding rules outlined above. That being said, my points of contact are as follows:

Or you may contact me by filling out the following form.

Privacy Note: I, Hakeem Bahadur Faruq Bey, respect your privacy and assure you, the sender, that I will not sell or trade any of your personal information – submitted using the form above – to any third-party.

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