A Tree Without Roots – My Quest For Unity Starts With This

“A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey One common experience among our people is that our family structure is in disarray. Many young Moors grow up in a single-parent household, often without knowledge of one side of their family. This was theContinue reading “A Tree Without Roots – My Quest For Unity Starts With This”

My Artistic Passion And Life Lessons Learned From 3D Modeling Pursuits

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a passion for art. Any art! Whether it’s pencil doodles, Flash animations (RIP), website design, or clay sculpture, I enjoyed them all. The elation one feels after creating something amazing from seemingly nothing is indescribable. Despite being passionate, my 3D adventure has been an on-and-offContinue reading “My Artistic Passion And Life Lessons Learned From 3D Modeling Pursuits”

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