Savior of Humanity

In this electrified age men are racing into this life without complete knowledge of where they are going, or what the end will be, when riches seem to be their only pursuit, to be obtained anyway and at any cost; when selfishness, avarice, greed and lust dominate their very being; when humanity in general isContinue reading “Savior of Humanity”

Religious Controversy

In this age there is still much religious controversy as to the right. Big and powerful ministers have come to the conclusion that something is wrong. Some say it is the Ten Commandments, others say there is a lack of sincerity in the purpose of the churches; still others think it is all worthless andContinue reading “Religious Controversy”

Voice of the Prophet

If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish Science Temple of America and become a part of this Divine Movement, then you will have power to redeem your race because you know who you are, and who your forefathers were. Because where there is unity there is strength. “Together we stand,Continue reading “Voice of the Prophet”

Prophet Makes Plea To Nation

Our Divine and National Movement stands for the specific grand principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, and I, the Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members, and the American citizens to help me in my great uplifting acts of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation; for I haveContinue reading “Prophet Makes Plea To Nation”

A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations

Download “A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations” (PDF) and more. [Think This: What “nations” are being warned by the Prophet?] The citizens of all free national governments according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national name ofContinue reading “A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations”

What Shall We Call Him?

So often our various journalist find trouble in selecting the proper name for the Moorish American. Some say “Negro,” another will brand him “Race Man”, still another will call him “Afro-American”, and then come “Colored””, “Dark American”, “Coon”, “Shine”, “The Brethren”, and your “Folks”. It is indeed a hard matter to find something suitable forContinue reading “What Shall We Call Him?”

Woman Holding Truck Bed Door Handle Reveals Your Mindset and Character

There are 3 types of people in the world. (1) Those who will ridicule her as foolish. (2) Those who think she’s evil and trying to take down everyone with her. (3) Those who see her acting in fear, desperately clinging to the only thing that puts her mind at ease, not realizing that herContinue reading “Woman Holding Truck Bed Door Handle Reveals Your Mindset and Character”

My Artistic Passion And Life Lessons Learned From 3D Modeling Pursuits

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a passion for art. Any art! Whether it’s pencil doodles, Flash animations (RIP), website design, or clay sculpture, I enjoyed them all. The elation one feels after creating something amazing from seemingly nothing is indescribable. Despite being passionate, my 3D adventure has been an on-and-offContinue reading “My Artistic Passion And Life Lessons Learned From 3D Modeling Pursuits”

Edge of a Fading Dream

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poetic short story is based on a dream I had in mid-to-late 2018 after losing my unborn child. It was originally intended to serve as Act 1 of an Epic, but due to ongoing health concerns I’ve decided to publish it as a standalone poem. This… is my story. Edge of a Fading DreamContinue reading “Edge of a Fading Dream”

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