The Moorish Rudder and Sextant

The Moorish Rudder and Sextant outlines the structure of Moorish government in accordance with Moorish Science. It’s highly recommended that all Moors / Moslems are aware of the contents of this concise book. I’ve taken the liberty to create an audiobook to allow for easier consumption of the knowledge it contains. Enjoy! Introduction The rudderContinue reading “The Moorish Rudder and Sextant”

Let’s Talk

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poem – penned on January 24, 2022 – is slightly different than my usual style. Although it’s written with my preferred pacing of “roughly” 10 syllables per line, it’s noticeably void of any rhymes. This is so because I wrote it straight from the heart to send a clear message to theContinue reading “Let’s Talk”

Fate of the Faithful

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poetic short story was written some time in 2018. Its subtle metaphors with a biblical undertone is evidence of my mindset at a time when I struggled to make sense of the content of my studies (Moorish Science) and the frequent nightly visions of possible future events. Enjoy. Fate of the FaithfulContinue reading “Fate of the Faithful”

Old Western TV Show Hints That Moors Are Aboriginal Americans

“Afro-Asian Aboriginals In The Marble of West America” Have Gun – Will Travel (Season 6, Episode 27 “The Savages”, first aired March 16, 1963) This shocking one-liner and its profound meaning has been hidden in plain sight for decades. It’s common knowledge that Hollywood is always dropping subtle hints about the Moors in movies andContinue reading “Old Western TV Show Hints That Moors Are Aboriginal Americans”

A Tree Without Roots – My Quest For Unity Starts With This

“A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey One common experience among our people is that our family structure is in disarray. Many young Moors grow up in a single-parent household, often without knowledge of one side of their family. This was theContinue reading “A Tree Without Roots – My Quest For Unity Starts With This”

Hide and Seek

Some hide love behind walls of silence.Others hide hate behind fake smiles.Some hide trauma behind quiet tears.Others hide pain behind their pride. Some seek peace in the midst of war.Others seek conflict, but feign serenity.Some seek fortune no matter the cost.Others seek wisdom, honor, and unity. Some forget all the actions they caused.Others forget theContinue reading “Hide and Seek”

Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America

In connection with the aims, objects, rules and regulation of the Moorish Science Temple of America, I deem it proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization. Covering its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causingContinue reading “Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America”

Moorish Costumes Ball

So enthusiastic was the reception of the costumes worn by the Moorish Americans during their parade that the members of the Moorish Science Temple have decided to have at different times what they will call a Moroccan Costume ball. This affair will be had shortly after the holidays, about New Year’s Eve. The Prophet consentedContinue reading “Moorish Costumes Ball”

The Industrious Acts of the Moslems

By Prophet Noble Drew Ali The Industrious Acts of the Moslems of Northwest and Southwest Africa These are the Moabites, Hamathites, Canaanites, who were driven out of the land of Canaan by Joshua, and received permission of the Pharaohs of Egypt to settles in hat portion of Egypt. In later years they formed themselves kingdoms.Continue reading “The Industrious Acts of the Moslems”

The Jesuit Oath

[The following is the text of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction as recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216), from which it was subsequently torn out. The Oath is also quoted by CharlesContinue reading “The Jesuit Oath”

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