A Tree Without Roots – My Quest For Unity Starts With This

“A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey

One common experience among our people is that our family structure is in disarray. Many young Moors grow up in a single-parent household, often without knowledge of one side of their family. This was the case for me during childhood with the exception of two siblings and an uncle on my father’s side, whom I’d see from time to time in our small town in the heart of the concrete jungle. As the years progressed with me growing wiser and more aware of the systematic effort to dismantle the Moorish family structure, I’ve made the decision to prioritize domestic unity above all else.

My first objective in this quest for unity was to accumulate as much information as possible about our family’s lineage and build a family tree record management system. The purpose of this system is to allow all current and future heirs to easily trace their lineage, see and connect with relatives no matter where they are in the world. This project began as a mere thought in 2019. By mid-2020, I had already built the base structure for the system and had a working prototype in place for family members across the globe to utilize.

Unfortunately, my programming knowledge at the time was limited. I had been so busy working multiple jobs in the previous years that I didn’t have the time to continue my coding studies. So, coming back from a near 10-year hiatus from building website applications and jumping head first into this major project was a bit overwhelming. Despite the progress I made creating various additional features – group photo gallery, dynamic birthday cards, message boards, etc. – I just couldn’t figure out how to create the actual hierarchical tree that users expect.

Fast forward to late 2021, after wasting another year helping everyone but myself, I decided to hit the books and resume my programming studies. About a month into it, studying many hours each day, I was finally able to build the family tree hierarchy. Ironically, it wasn’t as difficult as I previously thought. A simple recursive function and some CSS magic did the trick. Regardless, this is a major milestone and a huge motivation to continue the project as I have many other features I want to add.

When completed, I may create a commercial version of the system for Moors outside of my immediate tribe to utilize for their own heirs. As I declared on the front page of this website, I’m “creating tools and resources to aid in the upliftment of fallen humanity.” Unlike some Moors, I’m not in this movement to profit from the confusion, charging an exorbitant price for a product or service. If and when this system is made available for sale, you can rest assured that the cost will be reasonable. If you are interested in acquiring this system for your tribe, be sure to stay tuned for further updates.

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