Hide and Seek

Some hide love behind walls of silence.
Others hide hate behind fake smiles.
Some hide trauma behind quiet tears.
Others hide pain behind their pride.

Some seek peace in the midst of war.
Others seek conflict, but feign serenity.
Some seek fortune no matter the cost.
Others seek wisdom, honor, and unity.

Some forget all the actions they caused.
Others forget the cause of all their actions.
Some forget that evil lives in their hearts.
Others forget the hands of their salvation.

Some remember what was said and done.
Others remember only their good deeds.
Some remember the laughter and fun.
Others remember the healing we all need.

We hide and seek throughout our lives.
Forget and remember whatever we like.
Yet in the end, all we ever seem to find,
Is a one-way ticket to the afterlife.

Do we even care about the ones we leave behind?

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