Prophet Sends Marriage Laws To All Temples

All marriage ceremonies of members of the Moorish Science Temple of America must be performed by an ordained minister and the head of the temple.

And any man desiring to take unto himself a wife and receive our Moorish rites, he must go to the city Hall and receive this license to be registered in that city, county, and state. It then must be turned over in the hands of the aforesaid ordained minister and head of a temple after it has been properly signed by city officials. The price thereby for such administering to man and wife will be five dollars. For all those who have their papers and desire our Moorish marriage ceremony, it is three dollars.

We Moors cannot marry no one but we obligate you, according to our divine laws and covenant and the laws of the land. This must be proclaimed and made known to every temple so that there will be no misunderstanding. There will be no misunderstandings about I, the Prophet and my teachings because Allah alone binds two hearts together as a unit. These are the marriage obligations and instructions for man and wife.

Chapter 22 from our Koran is to be read first to the husband and chapter 21 is to be read secondly to the wife. These are the instructions of marriage from our Holy Koran. Please obey the laws given you by your Prophet through your Governor.


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