101 Koran Questions For Moorish Children

*Note: This publication by Noble Drew Ali, although intended for Moorish Children, is also of vital importance for mental consumption by adult Moorish Americans – awake or asleep. Download 101 Koran Questions For Moorish Children (PDF) and more.

  1. Who made you? ALLAH.
  2. Who is ALLAH? ALLAH is the Father of the Universe.
  3. Can we see Him? No.
  4. Where is the nearest place we can meet Him? In the heart.
  5. Who is Noble Drew Ali? He is ALLAH’S Prophet.
  6. What is a Prophet? A Prophet is a Thought of Allah manifested in flesh.
  7. What is the duty of a Prophet? To save nations from the wrath of ALLAH.
  8. Who is the founder of the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA? Noble Drew Ali.
  9. What year was the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA founded? 1913 A. D.
  10. Where? Newark, N. J.
  11. Where was NOBLE DREW ALI born? In the State of North Carolina, 1886.
  12. What is his nationality? Moorish-American.
  13. What is your nationality? Moorish-American.
  14. Why are we Moorish-Americans? Because we are descendants of Moroccans and born in America.
  15. For what purpose was the Moorish Science Temple of America Founded? For the uplifting of fallen humanity.
  16. How did the Prophet begin to uplift the Moorish-Americans? By teaching them to be themselves.
  17. What is our religion? Islamism.
  18. Is that a new, or is that the old time religion? Old time religion.
  19. What kind of a flag is the Moorish? It is a red flag with a five pointed green star in the center.
  20. What do the five points represent? Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.
  21. How old is our flag? It is over 10,000 years old.
  22. Which is our Holy Day? Friday.
  23. Why? Because Friday is the day on which man was formed in flesh, and it was on Friday when He departed out of flesh.
  24. Who was Jesus? He was a Prophet of Allah.
  25. Where was He born? In Bethlehem, of Judah, in the House of David.
  26. Who were His father and mother? Joseph and Mary.
  27. Will you give in brief the line (genealogy) through which Jesus came? Some of the Great Fathers through which Jesus came are: Abraham, Boaz by Ruth, Jesse, King David, Solomon, Hezekiah and Joseph by Mary.
  28. Why did ALLAH send Jesus to this earth? To save the Israelites from the iron-hand oppression of the pale-skin nations of Europe, who were governing a portion of Palestine at that time.
  29. How long has that been? About two thousand years ago.
  30. What was the nationality of Ruth? Ruth was a Moabitess.
  31. What is the modern name for the Moabites? Moroccans.
  32. Where is the Moroccan Empire? Northwest Amexem.
  33. What is the modern name for Amexem? Africa.
  34. What is the title given to our ruler in Morocco? Sultan.
  35. Where do we get the name Jesus? From the East.
  36. What does the name Jesus mean? Jesus means Justice.
  37. Did the Angel give to the Child that was called Jesus a Holy Name? Yes, but it cannot be used by those who are slaves to sin.
  38. What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of ALLAH manifested in human flesh.
  39. What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corners of the world, to all nations.
  40. What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of ALLAH, who is sent to bring us the Everlasting Gospel of ALLAH.
  41. What is the Everlasting Gospel? It is a Saving Power that comes from ALLAH through our Ancient Father, by His Prophet.
  42. What is the Covenant of the Great GOD-ALLAH? Honor thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long upon the Earthland which the Lord thy GOD-ALLAH hath given thee.
  43. At what age did Jesus begin to teach? At the age of twelve.
  44. Where did He teach? India, Africa and Europe.
  45. How long did He teach? Eighteen years.
  46. What did Jesus say that would make you free? TRUTH.
  47. What is TRUTH? TRUTH is Aught.
  48. What is Aught? Aught is ALLAH.
  49. Can TRUTH change? TRUTH cannot change, or pass away.
  50. What other name doe we give to TRUTH? HOLY BREATH.
  51. What have you to say about the HOLY BREATH? All we can say is it is Great. It is good. It was, it is, and evermore to be. A MEN.
  52. At what place on earth was the physical part of MAN formed? In the Garden of Eden.
  53. Where is the Garden of Eden? In the land of Canaan, in the City of Mecca.
  54. What is the modern name for the Garden of Eden? MECCA.
  55. What is the name of the first Physical Man? His name cannot be used, only by Executive Rulers of the A. C. of the M. S. T. of A.
  56. What are the words of A. C. of the M. S. T. of A.? Adept Chamber of the Moorish Science Temple of America (3rd Heaven).
  57. Who were Adam and Eve? They are the mothers and fathers of the human family. Asiatics and Moslems.
  58. Where did they go? They went into Asia.
  59. What is the modern name given to their children? Asiatics.
  60. Who is guarding the Holy City of MECCA today to keep the unbelievers away? Angels.
  61. What is the modern name for those Angels? Asiatics.
  62. What is the shade of their skin? Olive.
  63. Are the Moorish Americans any relation to those Angels? Ye, we all have the same father and mother.
  64. Give five names that are given to the descendants of Adam and Eve: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon and Beast.
  65. What is the Devil some times called? The Lower self.
  66. How many selves are there? Two.
  67. Name them: Higher-self and Lower-self.
  68. What people represent the Higher-self? The Angels who protect the Holy City of MECCA.
  69. What people represent the Lower-self? Those who were cast out of the Holy City, and those who accept their teaching.
  70. What is the Higher-self? The Higher-self is the Mother of virtues and the harmonies of life, and breeds Justice, Mercy, Love and Right.
  71. Can the Higher-self pass away? No.
  72. Why? Because it is ALLAH in MAN.
  73. What does the Lower-self breed? Hatred, Slander, Lewdness, Murders, Theft, and everything that harms.
  74. What did the Higher-self say to the Lowers-self at one time when He met Him? “Where are you going Satan.”
  75. What was the answer that the Lower-self gave to the Higher-self? “I am going to and fro in the earth seeking whom I may devour.”
  76. Has he finished His task of devouring? Yes.
  77. When was His time declared out? When He nailed Jesus on the cross.
  78. What are the last words Jesus uttered? It is finished.
  79. What did He have reference to? He had reference to the end of Satan.
  80. Did Jesus say that He would return to conquer Him? Yes.
  81. What is the name of the person into whom Jesus was first reincarnated? Prophet MOHAMMED, the Conqueror.
  82. Was Satan to be bound then? Satan was to be bound in part.
  83. When was the head of Satan taken off? 1453 (Byzantine).
  84. By whom? By Mohammed.
  85. Name some of the marks that were put upon the MOORS of Northwest, by the European nations in 1774? Negro, Black, Colored and Ethiopia.
  86. Negro, a name given to a river in West Africa by MOORS, because it contains black water.
  87. What is meant by the word Black? Black according to science means death.
  88. What does the word colored mean? Colored means anything that has been painted, stained, varnished or dyed.
  89. What does Ethiopia mean? Ethiopia means something divided.
  90. Can a man be a Negro, Black, Colored or Ethiopian? No.
  91. Why? Because man is made in the Image and after the likeness of God, Allah.
  92. What title does Satan give Himself? God.
  93. Will you define the word White? White means Purity, Purity means God, and God means the Ruler of the Land.
  94. To whom do we refer to at times, as being the GREAT GOD? ALLAH.
  95. Is the Devil made in the Image and likeness of ALLAH? No, he is the shadow of our lower-selves and will pass away.
  96. Who made the Devil? Elohim.
  97. Who is Elohim? Elohim is the Seven Creative Spirits that created everything that ever was, is, and evermore to be.
  98. What is Elohim sometimes called? The SEVEN EYES or ALLAH.
  99. How many days are in the Circle? Seven days.
  100. How many days are in a creation? Seven days.
  101. According to Science, how many days are in a year? Seven days.

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